
fopen (MATLAB Function Reference)

[filename,permission,format] = fopen(fid) returns the full filename string, the permission string, and the format string associated with the specified file. An ...


RETURN VALUE. Upon successful completion, fopen() returns a pointer to the object controlling the stream. Otherwise, a null pointer is returned, and errno is ...

What does fopen() return to the file pointer if file is opened?

If fopen succeeds it will return a non-null pointer to a FILE structure. The FILE structure is an opaque data type, a black box of unknown contents.

php - what does fopen return?

It returns either a resource or boolean false. Resources are known as a special type and are explained in detail here.

Function Descriptions : fopen

RETURN VALUE The fopen function returns a pointer to a FILE object associated with the named file . If the file cannot be opened, a NULL value is returned.

C fopen() Function

Return Value: Returns a FILE pointer if the file is successfully opened. Returns NULL if failed. File Opening Modes. The below table lists ...

fopen() — Open Files

Return Value. The fopen() function returns a pointer to a FILE structure type that can be used to access the open file.

fopen() — Open a file

Returned value. If successful, fopen() returns a pointer to the object controlling the associated stream. If unsuccessful, fopen() returns a NULL pointer.

C Library - fopen() function

Return Value. The fopen function returns a FILE pointer if the file is successfully opened. If the file cannot be opened, it returns NULL. Example 1: Reading ...


[filename,permission,format]=fopen(fid)returnsthefullfilenamestring,thepermissionstring,andtheformatstringassociatedwiththespecifiedfile.An ...,RETURNVALUE.Uponsuccessfulcompletion,fopen()returnsapointertotheobjectcontrollingthestream.Otherwise,anullpointerisreturned,anderrnois ...,Iffopensucceedsitwillreturnanon-nullpointertoaFILEstructure.TheFILEstructureisanopaquedatatype,ablackboxofunknown...